quinta-feira, 31 de janeiro de 2013

Panamerican Inspiration

Ontem eu falei com os caras do Panamerican Ride pelo facebook  e eles responderam! =D

Marcelo Martins Moretti:
Hey there! There's something I'd like to know about your trip. How did you plan your money spending? Did you gather everything before travelling or you got it on small jobs along the way? How much have you planned to spend? Have you planned where to sleep in every place that you stopped? I want to travel the world on wheels too. Two or four. And you guys are awesome and a great inspiration. So, if you could help me to chase this goal, I'd be really glad!

Btw, I've wrote about you on my blog http://putsnem.blogspot.com.br/2013/01/panamerican-ride.html

And sorry for the long text XD

A Panamerican Ride:
Hey man, no problem. To answer your questions: We were not sponsored, so we worked for about 10 months in 2 jobs to save for the trip. I will say this, because our money is limited we have done this trip on a very small budget. This involves sleeping in the tent most of the time (on the beach, in the desert, in the woods, in people's yards ect) and also means eating whatever is cheapest. You have to accept that showering is a luxury, just like sleeping properly. You have to be prepared to make friends with everyone while keeping your eyes open. Keep your friends close and your enemies even closer. We had an itinerary which we never followed. The thing is you will never know what a place is like just by researching on the internet. We decided to follow people's suggestions...so we would go to a city and talk to people who would suggest something else and so on and so on. The important thing is to first decide where you want to go and how you want to do it...(by this I mean what sacrifices are you willing to make?) Then you can have an idea of how much money you will need. Se tiver outra pergunta cara...so mandar msg. Se esta interesado vai sair uma intrevista no jornal de Santos "A Tribuna" proxima quarta feira. Falo

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